How It all started

It all began in Cape Town, South Africa, where Julie (the founder) worked in collaboration with a South African fashion designer. Whilst undertaking her internship, she became acquainted with these amazing talented South African designers. Julie soon realised the
beauty of these products that these designers made and the fact that they were made with so much love and quality. It was upon this discovery that Julie noticed a niche. Products such as these had not yet been seen in Amsterdam, therefore bringing the South African market to Europe sounded more appealing than ever. Europeans can enjoy the beauty of these products without having to travel for them.

Julie spent her early years growing up in Cape Town before moving to Amsterdam. Therefore, she has naturally always felt a strong connection to South Africa. Thus, it has always been her lifelong dream to work with and give back to the country in which she was raised. Julie noticed that South African brands depend highly on tourism. Given the recent
global pandemic and the harsh economic climate in South Africa, it has been difficult for such brands to prosper, Therefore, she has adopted the approach of ‘bringing the brands to the consumer’. Through this, she hopes to contribute to the regrowth of the South African economy.

Therefore, by purchasing a product from Nullus Limes, you’re not only supporting these amazing brands, but you are also contributing to a more prosperous South Africa.